place holder for something clever

Monday, October 30, 2006

Scene on a french bus


Scene: Friday night, roughly 1:30 AM. Normal bus routes are closed. Search for Paris's night buses.

Ken: Why aren't we just taking a taxi?

Judith: The night buses are great. They run ...

Judith steps in dog doo.

Judith: Scheiße

Tilo: What?

Judith: Hunden scheiße.

Tilo and Ken: Uproarious laughter.

(Bus arrives. End prologue.)

Scene: Bus #21.

(Police car with four officers pulls over crowded night bus.)

Old black French man: Maintenant le merde commence.

(Police enter bus by the back door. Man sitting across from the back door vomits all over the floor. Police discuss vomit, leave the bus. Bus pulls away.)

Ken: What was that all about?

(Shrugs all around.)



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